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SR22 Auto Insurance

An SR-22 auto insurance filing is an electronic certification or a document that is issued by an insurance company to verify to the state that your auto insurance policy is within the minimum state liability limits. The state will notify you in case you are required to preserve this filing.

The SR-22 auto insurance document certifies financial responsibility and is required for auto insurance customers who are at a higher risk than the others, by the State Department of Public Safety or of Motor Vehicles, after you have been claimed to be involved in an accident due to certain driving violations from your side or with no auto insurance.

The time frame for which the SR-22 filings are required depends on the state and the severity of the offense. Mostly, the filings are required to be maintained for a minimum of three years. If you rescind the policy before its termination date, then the auto insurance company becomes authorized to file an SR-26 to the state notifying that you no longer possess auto insurance.

In case you don’t own a vehicle and are still required to carry an SR-22, you can go for a Non-Owners SR-22. The Non-Owners SR-22 auto insurance would provide liability coverage only up to the purchased limits. In other words, it covers only the liability that you may cause while driving and not the car that you are driving. Although auto insurance rules vary from state to state, as a general rule, a Non-Owners SR-22 does not offer liability coverage for a vehicle that is registered to you, for one provided to you by someone for frequent and regular use, or for the one in your house.

Since the SR-22 auto insurance is a notification demanded by the state and not any insurance company, it remains as a protection assurance to those who are injured in an accident as a result of your negligence. Since, this can occur even while you drive someone else’s car, the Non-Owners SR-22 policies are made available.

Under most insurance carrier and most state guidelines, you can drive any car having SR-22 insurance, though permission would be required for this. However, this is possible so long as there are no exclusions applied even for an SR-22. In case you possess a Non-Owners SR-22, then the coverage will be limited to your personal operation of your vehicle not owned by you or by a family member.

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