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Idaho Car Insurance (ID)

Idaho Car Insurance Idaho might not have the busiest cities in the United States but there are still road mishaps that occur here every day, which is why there are certain laws that govern auto insurance in this State, particularly with the minimum requirements for the coverage that every driver should comply with.

Laws on Auto insurance in Idaho state that every driver needs to have an insurance coverage that will be able to sufficiently settle damages that amount to $25,000 for personal injuries (per person), and at least $15,000 for property damages. An amount of $50,000 for accidental death and a total of $50,000 per occurrence.

If you happen to be a driver who is on the road most of the time, regardless of how cautious you think you are, make certain that you have these requirements covered so as to avoid any personal liabilities in the future in such events as you will be found guilty of causing a car accident. This is a very effective way of protecting your finances as you will be compelled by the law to pay off the damages even if it means having to pay money directly from your pocket in order to settle your obligation.

The owner or operator of a vehicle must have minimum liability coverage:
- $25,000 per person for Bodily Injury;
- $50,000 per accident for Bodily Injury;
- $15,000 per accident for Property Damage;

Insurance required:
- Bodily injury liability;
- Property damage liability;

Proof of insurance required:
- At registration (NO)
- At time of accident (YES)
- At all times in vehicle (YES)

(I.I.I.) recommends you carry $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident.

Idaho's Minimum Coverage Requirements for Auto Insurance

Every driver that wants to drive on the highways in Idaho must obtain liability insurance coverage. Idaho is different from most states in America. The purpose of requiring drivers to carry both liability insurance and uninsured/underinsured coverage is to make sure that they don't get trapped in serious financial situation when encountered with an accident. The law of Idaho requires drivers to carry the underinsured motorist coverage and uninsured motorist coverage. In the past, the Idaho department of insurance only requires you to carry uninsured insurance.

If you don't want to carry the uninsured/underinsured insurance, you have to obtain a coverage rejection. The coverage rejection must abide by the law stated in the Idaho's Uniform Electronic Transaction Act. After you have obtained a coverage rejection, you can cancel the uninsured/underinsured insurance coverage. You are still required to pay for the renewal of the policy until the insurance company has received information about the written rejection. Under the law of Idaho, all auto insurance policies sold by insurance companies must include the underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage will pay for all the damage costs caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver.

You have to bring the proof of the auto insurance coverage when driving on the highway. The police officer can ask you to stop at anytime and ask for the insurance card. If you are unable to produce the insurance card, you will be fined for a sum and get a traffic ticket. The penalty for drivers that don't carry insurance card is a fine of $75. Your driving licensed will be flagged and suspended after your insurance coverage is not renewed for some time. You must quickly provide the proof of insurance. The longer you tarry, the more fine you will be charged. The liability insurance limit in Idaho is 25/50/15. It means you are required to purchase liability insurance of $25,000 for bodily injury damages of one person. The liability insurance limit for multiple persons involved in the accident is $50,000. The liability insurance limit for property damage coverage is $15,000.

The auto insurers in Idaho can use personal credit history to set a rate for the insurance policy holders. The personal credit history is used to determine your ability to make payment monthly or quarterly. Besides, auto insurers also use the personal credit history to determine the insurance risk of the policy buyer. If you want to improve the insurance risk score, you must make payment for the premium on time.

Enter Your Zip Code to Find Insurance Quotes in Idaho:

Idaho Department of Insurance

  • 700 West State Street, Boise, ID 83720
  • Phone: (208) 334-4250
  • Fax: (208) 334-4398

Idaho Department of Transportation

  • 3311 W. State St. PO Box 7129, Boise, ID 83707
  • Phone: (208) 334-8000
  • Fax: (208) 334-3858
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