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Compare Auto Insurance in Denver, CO
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Denver Car Insurance Quotes

Denver Colorado is a no-fault state which means that two motorists who are involved in an accident will have their respective insurance companies cover their medical and as well as vehicle repair expenses. Denver, the capital city, has a large number of drivers spending an average of 25 minutes traveling to work each day. The alarming increase in car thefts which cross 5,000 per year is a clear indication that car owners must be protected with adequate car insurance coverage.

According to state laws, motorists are required to obtain 25/50/15 coverage. These figures are the minimum levels of liability that each policy must contain. This includes $25,000 per person as bodily injury liability, $50,000 to cover all passengers involved in the accident, and $15,000 as property damage liability. Meeting the minimum requirements will make you eligible to drive legally. However, in a city like Denver where traffic flows at a fast pace, it is advisable to opt for additional coverage. In many cases, the damages and expenses involved cross the minimum limit, which can lead to out-of-pocket expenses that are difficult to bear if you are dragged to court.

In addition, to the minimum requirement it is advisable to opt for comprehensive and collision coverage. This type of coverage will pay for any damages to your vehicle even when you are at fault in an accident. Collision coverage will pay for damages caused by extreme weather conditions, wildlife, or any other circumstances where you have no control over your vehicle. PIP or personal injury protection is advisable for those who opt for minimum coverage in order to pay for medical expenses that may be incurred after an accident. Those with comprehensive coverage can opt for minimum PIP coverage. Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage is also an option to protect motorists in a hit and run case, or in the event of the other driver not possessing adequate car insurance. Fortunately, it is easy to find affordable car insurance online, which is a good reason why you ought to opt for additional coverage in Denver.

Statistics in Denver, CO

  • Auto insurance premiums (average for the state): $876
  • Fatal car crashes count: 45
  • Vehicles involved in fatal car crashes: 64
  • Fatal car crashes caused by drunken drivers: 20
  • Persons involved in fatal car crashes: 98
  • Pedestrians involved in fatal car crashes: 18
  • Crime: High

Cities in Colorado

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