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Compare Auto Insurance in New York, NY
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New York Car Insurance Quotes

New York City If you are residing in New York and you do not have car insurance, you will surely have to deal with some grave consequences. Either you car may be confiscated or you may have to pay a heavy penalty. In order to prevent yourself of falling into this situation, you need to know about some necessary factors that will help you answer all the car insurance related questions.

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles or DMV in New York, it is essential that you possess two types of insurance proofs, which are electronic proof as well as paper proof. You will not be issued the license plates unless you send your proof copies to DMV.

The limit liability in New York is much higher as compared to that in various other states of the United States. According to the fresh reports, the limit liability for a personal injury per person is around $25,000 and $50,000 per accident. In the event of Death, the limit liability is around $50,000 per person and reaches up to $100,000 per accident. In New York, uninsured motorist coverage is not at all option.

According to the law, it is expected that you get your car insurance from a company that is genuinely licensed by the NY State Insurance Department. Therefore, there is no way you can get your car insurance from a company that has listing outside New York. After you select the desired coverage, the rest of tasks may be quite simpler and you may not have to go through harrowing experience. After purchasing the insurance, you may receive an electronic message from the insurance company regarding the insurance acquired by you. It is essential for you to make payments on time and benefit from it.

Statistics in New York, NY

  • Auto insurance premiums (average for the state): $1,126
  • Crime: High

Cities in New York

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