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Augusta Car Insurance Quotes

Augusta Cars are the most popular mode of transport in Augusta, Georgia, with most residents preferring to travel by car rather than using the public transport system. The city is well served by road connections, with particularly excellent connections to both Atlanta and Columbia.

The popularity of the car in this city means that it is essential for drivers to be properly insured and to keep the roads as safe as possible by driving carefully. Road safety is particularly essential on busy roads, but even the most careful driver is at risk since accidents will happen. In the event that you are involved in a road traffic accident, it is essential to have sufficient car insurance to protect yourself and your vehicle.

One concern that has arisen among drivers in the Augusta area is that some of the roads in the surrounding area pass through very remote countryside, which means that any motorist who is involved in an accident may find themselves far away from the medical assistance that they need. Some people in the area have suggested that there is a need for a new trauma center somewhere along the road between Augusta and the neighboring city of Atlanta. This would enable drivers to reach the medical care that they need as soon as possible after they have been in an accident. Obtaining treatment as quickly as possible can have a significant impact on survival rates in car accidents. The rate of fatalities in cases of trauma is higher in the state of Georgia than the national average for the United States, so improving the trauma system around Augusta could help save lives. Drivers in Augusta may benefit from improved trauma care if the necessary funds can be raised in order to build a new trauma center. This could help save many lives in the Augusta area, particularly among drivers on the roads surrounding the city.

Statistics in Augusta, GA

  • Auto insurance premiums (average for the state): $808
  • Fatal car crashes count: 30
  • Vehicles involved in fatal car crashes: 56
  • Fatal car crashes caused by drunken drivers: 13
  • Persons involved in fatal car crashes: 86
  • Pedestrians involved in fatal car crashes: 6

Cities in Georgia

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