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Compare Auto Insurance in Cincinnati, OH
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Cincinnati Car Insurance Quotes

Cincinnati The beautiful city of Cincinnati is home to a number of corporations and over 300,000 residents, making it one of the most populous cities in Ohio. The city also has distinction of being named "Most Livable City" in 1993, thereby attracting a number of people to settle down. An increase in the population brings with it an increase in the number of motorists and the risk of being involved in an accident. With over 15,000 car accidents and 2,500 car thefts, car owners are advised to obtain proper car insurance coverage and save themselves from any financial obligations in the event of an accident or theft.

The state's motorists are among the most fortunate since the minimum requirements according to state laws are among the most affordable. Drivers must possess a minimum bodily injury liability of only $12,500 per person, $25,000 per accident covering all passengers, and $7,500 as property damage liability. However, motorists must bear in mind that this is only the bare minimum to be eligible to drive in the state. Most experts advise that motorists purchase as much as their budget will allow. Owners of new cars would be better off with collision and comprehensive coverage to cover any repairs to their vehicle in the event of an accident as well as medical expenses. While legal and medical costs continue to rise at an alarming rate, procuring adequate coverage will make things less stressful in the event of a mishap.

The best way to cut down on car insurance costs is to search for car insurance quotes online. This gives you the opportunity to compare rates as well as coverage offered by different providers and make an informed decision when purchasing a car insurance policy. In addition, don’t forget that being a safe driver and installing safety and security devices in your car will help lower your car insurance rates.

Statistics in Cincinnati, OH

  • Auto insurance premiums (average for the state): $648
  • Fatal car crashes count: 25
  • Vehicles involved in fatal car crashes: 37
  • Fatal car crashes caused by drunken drivers: 13
  • Persons involved in fatal car crashes: 60
  • Pedestrians involved in fatal car crashes: 7
  • Crime: Low

Cities in Ohio

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