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Columbus, Ohio Car Insurance Quotes

Columbus Columbus is among the communities in Ohio that have chosen to ban the use of cell phones to read or send text messages while driving. Drivers are also not allowed to use their cell phone or any other electronic device to use the internet or to send emails while they are driving or when stopped at a traffic light or for a stop sign. This new legislation reflects a desire in the city, and in the wide state of Ohio, to ensure that the roads will be kept as safe as possible. Drivers who are distracted by a cell phones are more likely to be involved in an accident since they will be less aware of what is going on in their surroundings.

Any sort of distraction can have serious consequences for the driver, any passengers they may be carrying and for other road users, including pedestrians. Distracted drivers contribute to approximately one in five road traffic accidents in the United States, according to the NHTSA. Reducing the number of distracted drivers on the roads in Columbus should help to keep everyone safe, although it is still important for every driver to ensure that they are fully protected by adequate auto insurance.

Drivers who need to use their cell phones to text or to use the internet need to pull their vehicle over and park before they do so. Drivers who are caught texting while they are on the road will be subject to a fine of 150 dollars, and the offence will be considered to be a primary offence. This means that a police offer who suspects that a driver is texting illegally will be able to pull over the driver. This differs from the offence of driving without wearing a seatbelt, for which the police cannot pull over a driver.

The texting ban will help to keep drivers, pedestrians and cyclists in the city of Columbus safe. The ban is also expected to be extended to cover cyclists since they are also putting themselves and others at risk when they take their attention away from the road in order to use their cell phones to send and receive texts.

Statistics in Columbus, OH

  • Auto insurance premiums (average for the state): $648
  • Fatal car crashes count: 60
  • Vehicles involved in fatal car crashes: 101
  • Fatal car crashes caused by drunken drivers: 25
  • Persons involved in fatal car crashes: 164
  • Pedestrians involved in fatal car crashes: 22
  • Crime: High

Cities in Ohio

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